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We Dare Tell

"We Dare Tell" is an intergenerational interviewing project sponsored by A VOICE and serving students at Two Eagle River School.


Led by writer Jennifer Finley and photographer David J. Spear, We Dare Tell is a contemporary form of oral storytelling, reviving the Native American storytelling circle in which the storytellers share their lives, their experiences, their dreams and their hardships.


We Dare Tell allows students to connect through interactive dialogue with the storyteller and interviewee and to document their people and their origins. Native American elders share their stories with youth and, in doing so, maintain a traditional and personal tie between generations. Those who experience the stories, whether they are Native American or not, can share in that cultural bond.

Julie Cajune
Corwin-Corky Clairmont
Victor Charlo
Sophie Mays Quequesah
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PO Box 832 Pablo, Montana 59855-0832



A VOICE is a 501c3 nonprofit.


Website designed by Hannah Judd

© 2024 A VOICE

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